Projects, year 2023:
- Doosan Volta PH 3 - Környe
Projects, year 2022:
- Thyssenkrupp 6-os csarnok – Budapest
- 9. sz. lakatos üzem - Napkor
- Hankook - Rácalmás
Projects, year 2021:
- SA3 - Oros
- Helikon Wellness hotel - Hévíz
- Lukympex - Kaposvár
- FGSZ - Kiskundorozsma
- Pausits TBO csarnok - Halászi
- 2 sz. lakatos üzem bővítése - Napkor
- VJHT - Szolnok
- Markó raktárbővítés – Halásztelek
- Pausits csarnokbővítés - Halászi
- Szakálfém - Szigetszentmiklós
- Scintila 3.ūtem - Jászberény
Projects, year 2020:
- Project Napkor
- Hora - Abda
- MHG - Salgórarján
- Food Base - Gödöllő
- Hulladékválogató - Helvécia
- Győri project
Projects, year 2019:
- Köér Köz Társasház - Budapest
- Tálos Gáborné -Vamosszabadi
- Szerviz-Dombegyháza
- Project ACO donga átalakítás
- Project Tyukod
- Project Orha saját
- Project Oros
- Project Mátraderecske
- Sick - Kunsziget
- Laktanya - Nyíregyháza
- Rakpart 22 - Győr
- Mias - Gyöngyös
- Cső-Lavina - Győr
- Ferroglobus 10. csarnok - Budapest
- Project Napkor IV
- Orha saját csarnok
- Project Gemtech
- Project Gyöngyös III
- Project Oros
- Project Napkor III
Projects, year 2018:
- Projekt Esztár
- Üzemcsarnok bővítés Mátraderecske
- Sick Raktárépület és Irodabővítés, Kunsziget
- GeboTech - Lovasberény
- Project Mardegan - Barcs
- Project - Napkor II
- Project - Napkor
- Project Alukonstruk Csarnok-Szeged
- Project Fliegl - Abda
- Project Nagytárcsa
- Coca Cola - Zalaszentgrót
- IsoPlus - Budapest II. ütem
- IsoPlus - Budapest
Projects, year 2017:
- Ipari csarnok - Balogunyom
- Acryl - Trió - Vámosszabadi
- Tálos Gáborné - Vámosszabadi
- Project Tyukod
- Project Sóskút
- Project Tököl
- Lemeztechnika - Pécs
- Csarnok - Polgárdi
Projects, year 2016:
- UFM csarnok - Mosonmagyaróvár
- Gyöngyös
- Napkor
- Gémtech - Napkor II
- Pomáz
- Saját Csárnok - Nyíregyháza
- Adrilux - Kisbér
- GEK - Gödöllő
- NKE RTK - Budapest
- Szerelőműhely - Diósd
- Napkor
- Apollo Tyres FGS + CTB - Gyöngyös
- Apollo - Gyöngyös
- Wuppermann - Gönyü
Projects, year 2015:
- Wuppermann - Gönyü
- Nass Magnet - Veszprém
- MLS - Szigetszentmiklós
- Metaco - Füzesabony
- Hulladékkezelő - Hatvan
- Ablonczy 2 - Miskolc
- UFM csarnok - Mosonmagyarovár
- Still - Környe
- Mikolásek - Kisbér
- Chemark - Peremarton
- Heineken - Sopron
- Hartmann logisztika - Ács
- Cellcomp - Tapolca
- Bábolna sped - Bábolna
- Bosch Automotive - Maklár
- EKS csarnok - Lébény
- Sportcsarnok - Tata
- Suzuki - Szirmabesenyö
- UFM csarnok - Mosonmagyarovár
Projects, year 2014:
- Ovoda-Dunakeszi
- Tisztatéri Mosoda-Miskolc
- Bridgestone - Környe
- Veres Pálná Gimnázium - Budapest
- Chemark - Peremarton
- Linamar PPM - Békéscsaba
- BPW - Szombathely
- Tornádo Csarnok - Hodmezővásárhely
- Golden Pallett - Nyíregyháza
- Parat - Szügy
- CLH - Csongrád
- Ferroglóbus Csarnok II. - Budapest
- Ferroglóbus Csarnok III. - Budapest
- Forgácsoló Üzem - Nyúl
- Kitax- Mosonmygyarovár
- Techszervíz - Debrecen
- Tisztatéri Mosoda - Miskolc
- Óvoda - Dunakeszi
Projects, year 2013:
- Giaform - Érd, footings, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke extraction rooflights flaps, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- Leier - Pápa, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- PYRON - Nyergesújfalu, footings, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke extraction rooflights flaps.
- Akasztó, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- Szentgotthárd, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- MTD - Nemesvámos, footings, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke extraction rooflights flaps, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- FGH Csarnok - Tatabánya, footing, arcade rooflight, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- Hafi - Esztergom, footing, arcade rooflight, heat and smoke extraction rooflights flaps.
- Fosztóüzem - Nagyigmánd, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- MTD - Nemesvámos, Szerelőcsarnok, footings, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke extraction rooflights flaps.
- Dr.Oetker - Jánossomorja, footing, arcade rooflight, heat and smoke extraction daily ventilation rooflights flaps.
- Eszter Bt gépgyártó üzem - Mosonmagyaróvár, footings, arcade rooflights.
- Kereskedelmi épület Miskolc, footings, arcade rooflights.
- BognárVin - Akasztó, footings.
- Nyiregyháza, arcade rooflights, daily ventilation rooflights flaps.
- AE Plaszt - Császártöltés, footing, arcade rooflight, daily ventilation rooflights flaps.
- Diagnosztika - Mórahalom, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- Hangszórógyár - Salgótarján, footing, arcade rooflight, heat and smoke extraction rooflights flaps, daily ventilation rooflights flaps.
- HAPP2 - Márkó, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- Lemezmegmunkáló - Baja, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- MVM Paks, adapter profile, arcade rooflights.
- Panzi Pet - Budapest, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- Polgár Invest - Polgár, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- Szerszámgépgyár - Esztergom, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- Wika - Esztergom, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- Bútoripari gyártóbázis - Nagykanizsa, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- Güttler - Hódmezővásárhely, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- Bridgestone - Környe, footings.
Projects, year 2012:
- Linamar-Békescsaba, footings, arcade rooflights, units.
- Mokaszín-Nyíregyháza, adapter profile,rooflights, daily ventilation rooflights flaps.
- Fliegl-Abda, footings, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke extraction daily ventilation rooflights flaps.
- Mechatronikai Ipari Park NATTEL drótgyára - Miskolc,, arcade rooflight, heat and smoke extration daily ventilation rooglights flaps.
- Hora Csarnok-Abda, footings, arcade rooflight, heat and smoke extration daily ventilation rooglights flaps.
- Pékség bővítése - Lipót, adapter profile, rooflights, heat and smoke extraction daily ventilation rooflights flaps daily, ventilation rooflights flaps.
- Horacél - Táborfalva, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- PETROM (OMV) - Románia - Brasov- Ring Road, arcade rooflights.
- Kálló, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- SICK üzembővítés - Kunsziget, footings, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke extraction daily ventilation rooflights flaps.
- Sangjin fémprés üzem - Jászfényszaru, footing, arcade rooflight, heat and smoke extraction daily ventilation rooflights flaps.
- Palackozó Üzem - Öttevény, footing, arcade rooflight, heat and smoke extraction rooflights flaps.
- Hora Csarnok - Abda, arcade rooflight, heat and smoke extraction rooflights flaps.
- Forgácsoló Üzem - Nyúl, footings, arcade rooflights, daily ventilation flaps.
- Nyíregyháza, adapter profile, arcade rooflights.
- Gumiraktár - Dabas, footing, arcade rooflight, daily ventilation rooflights flaps.
- Ablonczy - Miskolc, footings, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke extraction daily ventilation rooflights flaps.
- Bosch Csarnok - Kiskőrös, footings, arcade rooflights, daily ventilation rooflights flaps.
Projects, year 2011:
- Bauhaus–Maglód, footings, ,pitched roof, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke extraction rooflights flaps.
- Decathlon Debrecen, footing.
- Hankook Phase 2 extension – Curing, Trimming, Building, footings, arcade rooflights,
- RUUKKI I.,II. – Jászberény, adapter profile, arcade rooflights.
- PEZ csarnok bővítése–Jánossomorja, footings, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke extraction
daily ventilation rooflights flaps, daily ventilation flaps.
- Kirchhoff Hall, Esztergom, footings, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke extraction daily
ventilation rooflights flaps.
- WAHL üzemcsarnok–Mosonmagyaróvár, adapter profile, arcade rooflights, units.
- Weiss Hungária Csarnok–Győr, footings.
- Csarnok és iroda–Sződ, footings.
- GDHS Csarnok ,SBS Csarnok–Erdőtelek, footings.
- Nyíregyháza, arcade rooflight, heat and smoke extration daily ventilation rooglights flaps,
heat and smoke extraction dome.
- Fafém–Gyula, arcade rooflights, daily ventilation rooflights flaps, fix arcade rooflight.
Projects, year 2010:
- DM Logisztikai Központ – Érd, footings.
- Metró 4 – Budapest, footings.
- Vállalkozói falu – Pécs, footings.
- Linea Csarnok–Győr, footings.
- Allison Csarnok–Szentgotthárd, footings.
- Simon-Budapest, footings.
- T–Plasztik–Jászladány, footings.
- Metró bővítés, heat and smoke extraction, daily ventilation domes.
- Csenger I. + II. phase, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- Karsai csarnok–Székesfehérvár, footings, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke extraction daily
ventilation rooflights flaps.
- Remenyi Hall, Budapest footing, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke extraction daily
ventilation dome.
- SAHO Hall, Baj, footing adapter profile, arcade rooflight, daily ventilation rooflights flaps.
- RONDO, footing.
- SCH Tatabánya, footings, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke rooflights flaps.
- Chinoin, footings.
- SMR Hall, Mosonmagyaróvár, footings, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke rooflights flaps.
- SPI Hall Dunakiliti, footings, arcade rooflights, daily ventilation rooflights flaps.
- Wain House II. phase I. Szeged, arcade rooflights.
- Transdanubia, Lébény , adapter profile, fix arcade rooflights, units.
- Unix, footings.
- Elementary School Kiskőr, footing, arcade rooflight, heat and smoke extraction daily
ventilation rooflights flaps.
- Aldi show store , heat and smoke extraction daily ventilation dome.
- Bauhaus, Maglód, footings, pitched roof, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke extraction rooflights flaps.
Projects, year 2009:
- Miskolc-Swimming pool, heat and smoke extraction domes.
- Origo Filmstudio, footings.
- Kardos Elementary School footings, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke extraction
daily ventilation rooflights flaps.
- Solum Csarnok– Komárom, footing adapter profile, arcade rooflights, daily ventilation rooflights
- Service House fix arcade rooflights.
- Plastherm Hall Debrecen, footings, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke extraction rooflights
- Univerzoo, domes and footings.
- Lego, Nyíregyháza, footings.
- Vörösmarty School, Ajka, fix lighting systems, heat and smoke extraction daily ventilation
rooflights flaps..
- Siemens „C“ Hall, footings, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke extraction daily ventilation
rooflights flaps, daily ventilation rooflights flaps.
- Wain house and Service Buildings Szeged, arcade rooflights, heat and smoke extraction
rooflights flaps, daily ventilation rooflights flaps.
- WHB Hall, footings.
- Hankook, footings.
- DM Logistics Center , footings.
- Tiszk - Jászberény, footings.
- CASE TRADE-Győr, footings.
- BAUMIT-Bukarest, footings.
- OVIT II-Göd, footings.
- Organica project, footings.
- Oktatási center footings.
- LEMO, Reckitt Benckisher, footings.